Thursday, 11 October 2012



I have been accosted in the past by homeopaths who pretend to be shocked or surprised at my use of Sulphur as an acute drug in various conditions. Today let me post this case of Gastro-enteritis in a 11 month child.
Baby A.M was brought to me on 10/10/2012 at 2:00 pm. She was suffering from Diarrhea  and vomiting since 4 days. Fever since 3 days. Temp: 103*F. She was admitted with a pediatrician for 3 days with absolutely no relief. Blood tests showed a high neutrophilic WBC count - 23800/

Diarrhea had begun on the first day between 4-5am. The motions were pure watery, profuse, forcible and preceded by mild tenesmus, stools not particularly odorous; - a cupfull at a time exited with a gush and sputtering of flatus. Some amount of rumbling preceded the stools. 8-10 motions per day, yesterday was the fourth day after onset, when she was brought to me.

Vomiting (6-8 per day) started a few hours after the diarrhea. The baby could not tolerate anything and would throw up on being fed. She tolerated water though.

Fever - no signs of chills but high grade fever since afternoon of the diarrhea.

The General condition of the baby was not good. She was so weak that she could not lift her head nor even cry as I examined her. Dehydration - grade 2 (I.V. fluids had been given by the pediatrician before the parents insisted on being discharged).

My first prescription was CROTON TIG 200 in water, one dose half hourly X 4 repetitions; then one dose two hourly X 6 repetitions.  All feeds stopped. Baby put on Water + sugar

Day 2: 11:00 am:- Child slightly better. Diarrhea and vomiting a bit less- 4-6 times in the last 18 hrs. Fever 101*F. Again the first motion of the day was passed at around 5am with flatus, but was now painless. On examination the skin around the anus was red and looked inflamed.
SULPHUR 200 in water repeated every hour till 6:00 pm.
The child was brought to my Rapidcure Clinic at 7:00 pm. The change was astounding. No vomiting since Sulphur; No diarrhea and no fever since 1:30pm. The baby had accepted ORS which she had refused since yesterday (she took only water with sugar - one tsf to 200ml water). The baby was active, played with mother and father in the clinic and responded to my voice and calls.
Sulphur will be continued infrequently till tomorrow 10:00 am when I will see her again. I have cured dozens of such children with Gastro-enteritis with Sulphur in frequent repetition and it is often my first line of treatment when the above symptoms are present. I rate it equal to PODOPHYLLUM and CROTON TIG in such presentations. I would like all practicing Homeopaths to familiarize themselves with two other drugs 1. Jalappa and 2. Rheum in children's diarrhea. The strongest indications of Sulphur being Time of onset; Relatively painless, uncontrolled diarrhea; Rectum: Noise- Gurgling rectum, Redness of anus; all other symptoms being the same.

Day 3. 7:00 pm:  The child was brought for follow-up today evening. She has passed one normal stool at 11:00 am. No fever, vomiting or diarrhea since yesterday 1:30 pm. Treatment has been stopped since 5:00 pm as child is asymptomatic.

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