A patient B.B. aged 65 yrs admitted with a physician in Gokak, was diagnosed to be suffering from Dengue fever. The patients white cell and platelet count started dropping dangerously low. The physician thought it best to refer the case to a referral hospital 80kms away in Belgaum. The patient approached Dr.Kowshik and was treated by him for less than 24 hrs before his counts touched normal again. In gratitude the patient and his relatives approached the press to publish the story of the dramatic cure so that other patients too would benefit.
Read my blog (revert to Home page) for more cases of dengue and other near-fatal cases treated miraculously with Homeopathy. Also read my blog `STEP BY STEP METHOD OF TREATING CLINICAL EMERGENCIES' - A well analyzed study of several hundred acute emergencies treated with Homeopathy. The article will serve as a confidence building exercise and a fairly precise guide on how to diagnose, monitor and treat acute critical cases.
28-07-2013: As of today I have had the opportunity to treat 8 cases of proven Dengue, all with thrombocytopenia ranging from 15,000/ul and above. No patient was referred elsewhere and none developed hemorrhagic symptoms. Platelet counts started rising within 24 hrs and crossed the 100,000/ul mark within 4 days.
New Delhi the capital of India is in the grip of a Dengue epidemic. It is amazing to note that the Government is busy running around like a headless chicken with no clue on how to handle this situation. Yes, prevention is better than cure. However, increasing the number of beds in public hospitals where the treatment offered is non-specific and not curative is preposterous. Does Mr.Kejriwal the Chief Minister not know anything about Homeopathy? Where are all the Homeopaths of N.Delhi? There are some very big names and persona who never miss a chance to strut around on stage at seminars proclaiming to have cured the incurable. Where are they? Have they opened a repertory to check the rubric `Dengue'? Have they lost their tongues or their self confidence? Or is it easier to fake cures at our most unscientific seminars, where single, poorly documented cases of Vitiligo and Diabetes are discussed ad-nauseum over 3-6 hours? Wake up my fellow Homeopaths! Now is the time to prove a point!!
23-10-2015. Mr.S.P. aged 32yrs was brought to me with fever of 12 days duration. Chills followed by fever was intermittently controlled with allopathic medicines and the symptoms would recur after a couple of days. He was admitted with a surgeon who diagnosed him as a case of R.Lobar pneumonia. But his fever persisted despite treatment. He had a hard dry cough < daytime, talking. >at night. Cough with pain in abdomen and vomiting on eating. Intermittent fever < night with severe shaking chills. Thirst +++ but unable to retain what he drank or ate. P.R. 90/min. BP 110/80mm Hg. RS-Dullness and poor air entry with adventitious sounds R.chest. Temp- 101.5*F
His investigations advised by me were as follows:
Hb: 13.5gm%; WBC 24,310; P78%, L27%, M 4%, E 1%.Platelets: 16,000/ul, HCT 38.5%
Dengue test: IgG +ve, IgM: Nonreactive, NS1 antigen: Nonreactive. X-ray: R.middle lobe pneumonia.
Prescription - simillimum given in 1M potency every 2 hours
24-10-2015. Patient subjectively better, Temp- 99*F
Hb 12.9gm%, WBC 16040/cu.mm, P68%, L26%, M0, E 6% Platelets: 16000/ul. HCT 34%
Prescription: same as before
25-10-2015. Patient reported he was OK. No fever since last night. Mild cough.
Hb 12.0, WBC 11520/cu.mm, P69%, L25%, M3%, E3%. Platelets: 49000/ul. HCT 33%
Prescription: same as before, dose reduced to every 4 hours.
27-10-2015. Patient is asymptomatic. RS adventitious sounds much less. Cough occasional.
Hb 12.2gm%, WBC 7150/cu.mm, P63%, L29%, M 3%, E 5%.
Reduced dose to thrice daily.
The patient had contracted secondary Dengue during his admission to hospital. The pneumonia was detected late and the patient was in dire straits when he came to me. His vital signs though were fairly well maintained, hence I took up his case for treatment with remarkable recovery. His pneumonia will need to be treated for a few more days.
PROLOGUE: I treated this case for a week with no improvement in his cough. I did his check X-ray AP and Lateral and Sputum test for Acid Fast Bacilli. Both tests were positive for Pulmonary Kochs. Not wanting to treat this condition, I referred him to a Government hospital for further management.
A case of Dengue fever.
14-07-2015. Mr.S.P. aged 19 yrs was referred to me for treatment of Fever of four days duration. The fever began at 6pm on the first day with chills/ heat/ perspiration. On the second day he developed nausea and vomiting. Despite the nausea he was very thirsty and continuously sipped water from a bottle by his side. He had a sinking sensation and uneasiness in the stomach with burning esophagus < drinking water or eating. Severe bodyache and headache. The face was noticeably red despite his dusky complexion. Temp: 102.4*F. His investigations were as follows: Hb 13.2gm%, WBC TC 2360/cu.mm, Poly 48, Lymp 47, Mono 3, Eosin 2%. Platelets 56,000/ul.
Dengue test: NS1 antigen - Positive.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30 was given in frequent repetition.
15-07-2015. WBC TC 5190/cu.mm Poly 63, Lymp 27, Mono 3%, Eosin 7%, Platelets 36,000/ul
Redness of face decreased. Patient though febrile (100.2*F), says he is much better.
Medicine continued frequently.
16-07-2015. Patient is much better - no fever or uneasiness, appetite returned - no nausea/vomiting. Thirst normal. Platelet count- 54,000/ul.
Medicine continued 4 hrly.
31-07-2015. Patient had failed to come for follow-up and was summoned through a relative. Says he is perfectly OK and working in his fields as the rains have begun, hence could not come!
Platelet count 3,10,000/ul
As you can see, Diagnostics and the interpretation of test results vis-a-vis the patient's vital signs play a very important role and give me the confidence in selecting and treating such critical cases.
Here I attach an article I wrote on treatment of Dengue which was accepted and published by a peer reviewed journal 'Homeopathic Heritage' in India.
Dengue – Its Homeopathic Management
Dinesh A. Kowshik,
MD (Hom)
need to revisit and study the efficacy of Homeopathic treatment of Dengue fever
is vital since our system has penetrated the global primary health care arena. This
paper presents ten cases of dengue that were managed homeopathically.
Keywords: dengue,
homeopathy, arsenic album, fever
– the dreaded `break bone fever’ is a vector borne affliction, transmitted by
the Aedes egypti mosquito. In the patients
who may have had multiple infected mosquito bites, the platelet count begins to
drop, and may reach life-threatening low levels, below 20,000/µL. A fall in the
BP and/or increased pulse rate may be a sign of severe hemorrhagic episode.
This hemorrhage requires immediate platelet transfusions and supportive
treatment in a referral hospital. According to
the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as 400 million people
are infected yearly. The most effective protective measures are those that
avoid mosquito bites. A rapid chromatographic test can detect NS1
antigen, IgM or IgG antibodies in the blood. The presence of NS1 antigen
indicates active infection. IgM indicates recent infection. IgG antibodies
indicate old infection.
Dengue fever has been described
in the Homeopathic Materia Medicas (Clarke, Phatak, Tyler, Hering) and appears
as a rubric in the repertories-
Complete Repertory – FEVER, HEAT - dengue fever
Murphy’s Repertory – Fevers - DENGUE, fever
Boericke’s Repertory – Fever; Type of Fever, Dengue
Clinical Repertory – Dengue fever
The following are the
records of ten cases of Dengue fever, some with platelet counts well below the
normal range. A thorough case taking and clinical examination was followed by
appropriate investigations. Homeopathic remedy for each was selected on the
basis of patient’s symptoms with reference from the materia medicas and
repertories. For the dosage, the instructions given in Lesser writings
by Kent, Boenninghaussen, Farrington and Hahnemann, The Science of Therapeutics by
C. Dunham were followed. The follow-up
demonstrated quick response to the homeopathic treatment with an uneventful
recovery. Not a single case in the series required anything more than the
simillimum – no IV fluids or any other interventional therapy was used at any
time. This is a serial study and no cases have been eliminated or selected for
Case 1
25/07/2012. Mr BB, 64 yrs/M. An old case of Ca
rectum presented with Chills, continuous fever since 7 days. He had consulted a
physician who had got his CBC and Dengue test done. He tested positive for
Dengue IgM and IgG. His platelet count was 1.46 Lakhs/µl. Hematocrit was 36%.
He was advised hospitalisation for two days. The patient opted for homeopathic
treatment instead.
Extremely chilly, followed by sensation of heat and
burning with intense thirst. Woke up past midnight with these symptoms along
with fear due to thoughts of death. He wanted to see the doctor immediately. He
had intense weakness, unable to sit in the waiting room. Since two days, there
was continuous dry heat with painful cervical glands. Face was red and there
was bitter vomiting. He had a desire to eat but experienced nausea on
attempting the same. He could drink only water but vomited soon after. Temp 102°F;
Pulse Rate 94/min; BP 110/80 mm Hg.
mind symptoms (Death, thoughts of; Impatience; Fear, death) coupled with the
typical intense thirst and post midnight aggravation of symptoms; the intense
weakness and restlessness indicated Arsenic
Arsenic album 1M
4 globules every half hour for 3 hours. 2 hourly from next day.
Follow up: 27/7/2012. Hb 10.5gm/dl; Platelet count: 1.71
Lakhs/µL. Medicine continued two hourly.
31/7/2012. Platelet count 1.87 Lakhs/µL. Patient
asymptomatic. Treatment stopped. Advised appropriate diet to correct anemia.
Case 2
2/12/2012/. G.R. 18yrs/M presented with high grade
fever. Irregular paroxysms since six days, controlled with Paracetamol. Symptoms
were scanty due to suppression with Paracetamol and other antipyretics. The
only thing that stood out was his nightly aggravation of fever with intense
thirst and nausea with disproportionate weakness. Fever with headache. PR
106/min BP 120/70mm Hg. Hb 13.5gm/dl, WBC 2780/cu.mm; Platelet count: 59000/µL;
HCT 38%. Dengue test: NS1 positive; IgM and IgG nonreactive.
Prescription: Arsenic
album 1M, 4 globules hourly on first day, later 4
globules 2 hourly till fever subsides.
Follow Up: 3/12/2012.
Vomiting soon after eating/drinking. Dry hoarse cough, throat pain; < night,
lying on back, warm drinks.
Phosphorus 30,
four doses given at 2 hourly intervals. Low potency was selected with frequent
repetition since it was an acute complaint (? accessory symptom[1]).
Phatak’s MM.
8/12/2012: Patient came after 5 days, unmindful of
the strict instructions regarding the regular follow up and medication. He said
he had been asymptomatic since 4 days. Refused treatment but got his blood
tested. Hb 13.0gm/dl; WBC 4900/cu.mm; P60/L35/M4/E1. Platelets 1.63 Lakhs/µL.
HCT 40%.
Case 3
18/4/2013. Miss DK, 11yrs/F. Chills on first day,
then continuous dry heat with headache since 4days. Fever < midnight and
after. Tongue red edges and tip. Intense thirst for small quantities but unable
to eat anything- no desire for food. Pain in limbs especially legs and hip
region. PR 89/min. BP 120/70mm Hg. Investigations done on 17/4/2013 showed Hb
13.7gm% WBC 4100/cu.mm P47/L53/M0/E0. Platelets 42,000/µL.
Clinical diagnosis: Dengue. Patient advised to come
with blood reports next day.
Prescription: Arsenic album
1M every half hour 6 times, Second day:
2 hourly.
Follow up: 19/4/2013. Fever subsided partially. Repeat
investigations showed: Hb 13.2gm% WBC 4760/cu.mm; P42/L57/M1/E0. Platelet
61000/µL. HCT 40%. Dengue test: NS1- Nonreactive, IgM – Reactive, IgG-
20/4/2013: Patient asymptomatic. Treatment stopped.
21/4/2013. Patient was very emaciated weighing
22Kg. Hb 13.3gm%, WBC 5390/cu.mm; P 40/L54/M2/E4. Platelet count: 1.8 Lakhs/µL.
HCT 41%.
Patient was advised regarding nutritious diet. Gentiana Q given in drop doses twice
daily to improve appetite.
Case 4
27/07/2013. Mr SM 14yrs/M. Sudden onset of high grade
fever 102 to 104°F since four days; began at 1:00pm on first day. Chills, heat,
perspiration. Tongue coated white, marked thirst for cold water in small
quantities. Severe nausea but no vomiting. Water tasted bitter. Sinking, empty
sensation in the stomach but could not eat anything. Sore pain in both lower
extremities, especially thighs. PR 106/min. BP 110/70mm Hg. Hb 12.8gm% WBC
1830/cu.mm; P67/L32/M1 Platelets 87000/µL; HCT 41%. NS1 – Nonreactive; IgM –
Reactive; IgG- Nonreactive
Prescription: Arsenic album
1M 2 hourly
Follow up:
28/07/2013: Throat pain persisted. WBC 2710/cu.mm Platelets: 89000/ul.
29/07/2013. Throat pain persisted. Shallow,
spreading mouth ulcers noted on inner cheeks. Bleeding on touch. Fetor oris. TLC
3420/cu.mm, Platelets 1.86Lakhs/µL.
cor 30 3 globules every six hours. Arsenic album to be continued after.
02/08/2013. No complaints except loss of appetite.
Gentiana Q to
improve appetite. 10-12 Drops twice daily.
Case 5
18/09/2013. 10:30am B.S. 45yrs F. Continuous fever since
eight days. Dry severe heat < 11 am. Thirst severe for cold water – small
sips. Averse to any food. Mild nausea. Malaise and intense weakness, difficulty
getting out of bed. Moderate head pain temporal region with nausea. PR 95/min
BP 100/60mm Hg. Hb 8.8gm% WBC 1760/cu.mm P62/L30/M2/E5 Platelets 89,000/µL; RBC
3.47 million/ul; HCT 28%. Widal test: Nonreactive. Dengue test: Nonreactive. This
case has been included due to the likelihood that the Dengue test was a false
negative test due to limitations of specificity. The patient had sudden onset
of high grade fever 101 to 103°F < forenoon and night. No chills or
perspiration, with pain in the back, thighs, legs and hip region, hence very
likely a case of Dengue especially since there were plenty of cases in the
village where she lived and the remarkable similarity of both symptoms and test
results of the CBC.
Prescription: Arsenic album
1M 2 hourly for 1 day, then 4 times a day for the second day.
Follow up: 20/09/2013. Hb 9.1gm% WBC 4980/cu.mm. P61/L33/M6.
RBC 3.89 mill/ul; Platelets 1.76 Lakhs/µL. Patient had no complaints hence no
medication was prescribed.
Case 6
03/09/2013. R.G. 28 yrs/M. History of continuous fever
twelve days ago, Severe bodyache, pain in the legs and back remain. Pain behind
the eyes. Pains come and go irregularly- no specific modalities. PR 74/min; BP
120/80mmHg. Although the patient had no fever at that time, he was advised
investigations as Dengue was suspected due to the clinical symptoms present
during the acute phase and the persistent pains in various parts of the body
especially retro-orbital. NS1 antigen- Nonreactive. IgM- Nonreactive; IgG-Reactive.
Hb 13.8gm% WBC 6300/cu.mm P65/L30/M5. Platelets 2.33 Lakhs/µL
Prescription: Eupatorium perf
30 daily thrice for 3 days followed by
Follow up:
10/09/2013. Backpain persisted but all other symptoms relieved. The pain was
< sitting. > hard pressure or lying on back.
Rhus tox 30
daily 3 doses for 1 week.
13/09/2013, Patient called to say that he was fine
and required no further treatment.
Case 7
20/08/2013. S. 46yr/F. Fever since one day. Severe
chills followed by dry heat < night 10pm. Moderate thirst, small, with
malaise, slight hoarse voice, pain throat, watery nasal discharge. Mild cough
with yellow expectoration. Pain and weakness felt especially in lower limbs and
back. Constant pain in the eyes since last night. PR 80/min BP 120/84mm Hg. The
patient got his blood tests done the next day. Hb 12.0gm%, WBC 6300/cu.mm,
P65/L35. RBC 4.7 mill/ul. Platelets 2.5 Lakhs/µl. Hematocrit 41%
Prescription: Along with the repertorisation and reference from
Phatak’s Materia Medica, arsenic album
was selected.
Ars alb 1M
in repeated doses.
Follow up:
23/08/2013. Patient had come a day late. No change. Hb 11.9gm% WBC 6140/cu.mm
P62/L34/M4. RBC 4.5 mill/µL. Platelets 2.37 Lakhs/µL. Hematocrit 38%. Dengue
test- NS1 Reactive. IgM- Nonreactive. IgG- Nonreactive.
from Complete
repertory –
MIND: Impatience
MIND : Restlessness; nervousness: tendency: heat:
FEVER: Succession of stages: Chill followed by heat
GENERALITIES: Lassitude: tendency
Rhus tox 200
in repeated doses for 3 days
27/08/2013. Body pain severe, felt more in the
back, thighs. Pain head especially eyes. Unable to get out of bed. Platelet
count 1.05 Lakhs/ul HCT 38%
Eup. perfoliatum 30
at hourly intervals – ten doses.
28/08/2013. Much better, pain less, head pain
minimal, no fever; has managed the kitchen herself. Decided to wait before
repeating blood tests as patient was subjectively and objectively very much
Eup. perfoliatum 30 at
4 hourly intervals.
29/08/2013. Patient is cheerful, comfortable and
afebrile. Hb 12.0 WBC 8900/cu.mm P62%/L30%/M5%/E3%. RBC 4.4 mill/ul Platelets
2.08 Lakhs/µL. HCT 38%. Treatment stopped.
Case 8
15/08/2013. MJ 3yr/F. Patient had fever following
severe watery diarrhea and vomiting since 5 days. Now, patient had chills since
yesterday afternoon, intense burning heat, drowsiness and intense weakness. She
complained of pain in thighs, legs, hips and back. She cried saying her legs were
hurting, wanted the mother to hold them tightly. Marked thirst for cold water.
Face red. PR 112/min. BP 90/70mm Hg. Investigations dated 14/08/2013- WBC
10,800/cu.mm. Platelet count: 1.21 Lakhs/µL, Dengue test: NS1 Reactive, IgM
Nonreactive; IgG Nonreactive.
Prescription: Arsenic album
1M 4 doses ½ hourly; later 2 hourly for 1 day.
Follow up: 16/08/2013.
Patient afebrile. PR 89/min. BP 96/80mm Hg. WBC total count 9000/cu.mm.
Platelets 2.06 Lakhs/µL
Arsenic album 1M at
4 hourly intervals.
No fever, no complaints. PR 82/min. BP 110/80mm Hg.
Case 9
01/09/2013. CH 38yr/M. Presented with burning heat
since four days. Continuous fever with nightly aggravation. Patient was
restless and intensely anxious and delirious. Fear of death- felt he might
never pull through this illness. Kept asking only for water. Refused to eat,
says sight of food is repulsive. He used to get up and walk about at night
despite the fever. Severe pain in legs, thighs and head-temporal region. Taken
allopathic treatment in his village including IV fluids and injections for
vomiting. PR 112/min. BP 110/70 mm Hg. Hb 13.4gm% WBC total count 3530/cu.mm.
P56%/L38%/M4%/E2%. Platelets 0.77 Lakhs/µL. RBC 5.2 mill/µL. HCT 40%. Dengue
NS1 Reactive. IgM Reactive. IgG Reactive.
Prescription: Sulphur 200. 1 dose every 2 hours – 4
doses. Followed by Ars. Alb 1M a dose every two hours.
This short
course was deemed necessary to tackle what was interpreted as abuse of allopathic
medicaments given by the allopathic doctor who treated the patient before he
consulted the author. (Complete Repertory-Generalities:
Abuse of, poisoning with: medicaments)
Follow up: 03/09/2013.
Patient was afebrile and asymptomatic. Says he was much better and wanted only
his blood tests done. PR 87/min. BP 114/80 mm Hg. Hb 13.2gm% WBC 6200/cu.mm
P67%/L32%/M1%. RBC 5.00 mill/µL Platelets 1.47 Lakhs/µL; HCT 41%.
Case 10
21/1/2014. AW 26yr/M. Patient presented with severe
chills, heat and perspiration since seven days. Thirst all through the stages
of fever. Backpain severe < morning on getting up. Pain in thighs and knees more
on right knee. Slight throat pain with mild cough. Not many symptoms due to
steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. PR 88/min BP 110/80 mm Hg. Taken
allopathic treatment and had brought his investigation reports as follows: Hb
11.4gm%, WBC TC 9240/cu.mm; P61%/L28%/M3%/E8%. Platelets 1.83 Lakhs/µL Dengue
test: NS1 Nonreactive, IgM Reactive, IgG Reactive.
from Complete
repertory –
FEVER: Succession of stages: Chill followed by heat:
persp. followed by: Thirst with:
Prescription: Rhus tox
30 at 2 hourly intervals
Follow up: 30/01/2013.
No fever. Patient has diarrhea early morning and cramping pains and gurgling in
lower abdomen. Must rush to the toilet. Says he is otherwise OK. Refuses
from Complete
repertory –
RECTUM: Diarrhea: <5am
RECTUM: Diarrhea: Bed driving out of
RECTUM: Diarrhea Noises: Gurgling: rectum
Sulphur 200
every 4 hourly 6 doses.
Patient did not return for further follow up.
Total number of cases treated were 10 in number
group: Pediatric- 3/ Adult- 6/ Geriatric- 1
+ve: 3 cases NS1/IgM/IgG +ve: 1 case
+ve: 2 cases IgM/IgG +ve: 1 case
+ve: 2 cases
Clinically indicative, but Dengue test –ve: 1 case
Clinically indicative, but Dengue test –ve: 1 case
remedies used were phosphorus, Merc cor,
eupatorium perf, and sulphur.
Thrombocytopenia Defined as platelet counts
below 1.5 Lakhs/µl. Counts below 50,000 are capable of causing serious
hemorrhagic symptoms. Atlas and Text of Hematology
by Tejinder Singh 2nd edition. Chapter 14; Pg 301.
National Institutes of health- http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/thcp/
Figure 1 : Number of Cases of normal
or decreased platelet counts
Analysis and
Of the 10 cases described in this paper, except one
who did not come for follow-through, all the remaining patients recovered both
clinically and pathologically. The recovery time of the patients was remarkable
and they suffered no sequelae of the disease. None of the patients in this
serial study required hospitalisation or platelet transfusions despite 6 cases
having moderate to severe thrombocytopenia and 2 cases with severe Leucopenia.
The weakness out of proportion to the duration of
illness, excessive thirst, red face during heat stage of fever, nausea and
aversion to food, vomiting even water, sinking sensation in stomach are all
pointers to Arsenic album in the
above cases. Most of the cases required Arsenic
album was prescribed in 8 out of 10 cases. In such critical cases, treated
invariably by allopathic medicines, modalities, stages of fever, even entire
symptoms may be masked. Hence key notes and thus zig zag cures are inevitable.
Four cases required intercurrent remedies, two of
which were due to other symptoms intervening, probably the accessory symptoms. In
one case, Sulphur was given at the beginning of treatment due to
the patient receiving plenty of allopathic medicines. In repertorisation, the
rubric Dengue under ‘fever’ was used only once (Case 7) due to paucity of
symptoms in that case and in line with the general rule that diagnosis must not
influence the prescription.
POSOLOGY: As recommended by various stalwarts in
their Lesser Writings (Boenninghaussen, Kent, Farrington) and Dr.Hahneman
Dose: Dr.C.Dunham – Homoeopathy The Science of
Therapeutics. On high potencies; Pg 263.
Since most practicing homeopaths avoid treating
medical emergencies, homeopathy may have lost its edge in the management of dengue
fever even in its severe form, although transfusion of platelets cannot be
avoided once the hemorrhagic symptoms manifest. Skills of clinical judgment and
correct interpretation of signs of the disease, monitoring vital signs, as also
pathological correlation must be developed and honed to near perfection while
handling such critical cases. The expertise when combined, results in correct
case selection, which is the key to success.
Though ten cases may not have generated sufficient
data, further serial studies of a larger patient sample are merited on the
basis of this study. This study shows that with good clinical assessment and
laboratory support, critical cases may be handled by experienced Homeopaths who
can then train juniors to carry on the good work without feeling intimidated by
the severity of the affliction.
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