Friday, 27 July 2012


Mr.B.B. aged 64 years from a near-by village was admitted with a local physician with symptoms of high grade fever of 6 days duration, intense weakness and bodyache. His laboratory tests were positive for the dreaded Dengue fever. Despite treatment there was no improvement in his condition and his blood counts had dropped. 25/7/2012 White cell count = 4500/ Platelet count = 67,000/ul

25/07/2012 8:00pm

The patient approached Dr.Kowshik for Homeopathic treatment at 8:00 pm on 25/7/2012. The patients temperature was 102*F. His Dengue test IgM and IgG were positive. He was exhausted but not dehydrated. He complained of severe body ache and intense weakness. His face was flushed. He was unable to sit in the chair for long and requested that he be permitted to lie down on the examination table. After taking a quick case history, the ideal Homeopathic mode of treatment was identified. The patient’s relatives were extremely anxious as his blood counts were already showing a decline. Dr.Kowshik reassured the patient and his relatives asking them to go home to continue the homeopathic treatment and return for follow-up next day.

26/07/2012 2:30pm

WBC count 8270/; Platelet count= 155,000/ul.

The patient was comfortable and expressed that he was feeling much better. His temperature had peaked at night and after a bout of sweating, dropped to a constant 99*F since morning. The body ache was much less and he was able to sit in the patients chair while he spoke.

27/07/2012 2:30 pm

WBC count= 8100/; Platelet count= 271,000/ul

Mr.B.B. expressed his immense gratitude for bringing him out of the crisis. He said he was feeling extremely relieved and had no fever since last night. His temperature was 97.8*F and except for mild weakness he had no symptoms. His treatment for dengue was continued for one more day and only recuperative medicines were given, to be continued for the next four days.

As of today 26-09-2013 , I have treated over 20 cases of dengue fever almost all of whom had platelet counts less than 100,000/ul. Some had counts as low as 7000/ul. No mishaps and all of them showed recovery within 36 hours.