Tuesday, 28 August 2012

HOMEOPATHIC SEMINARS - Is screening necessary?

After many years I decided to attend a seminar in Kolhapur, conducted by a reknowned Homeopath of Pune. He is reputed to have a 80 bedded hospital where-in (supposedly) all types of emergencies are handled. The publicity given, led me to believe that he treats cases admitted in the ICU on ventilator. I bit the bait.

I was curious to know how a Homeopath runs an ICU without the help of sophisticated life-saving equipment, I.V. fluids and Oxygen none of which he is trained to handle, leave alone legally possess. As the video presentation began it was evident that the cases he claims to have treated were in fact treated surreptitiously, in other hospitals, without the knowledge of the hospital staff, management or faculty. There is no evidence that the allopathic drugs were discontinued or modified to allow the administration or action of the Homeopathic remedies. The condition which the patients were suffering from (as we were told), in all probability involved the use of steroids as part of the treatment. Do homeopathic drugs act when steroids have disabled the immune system? No pathological reports, other than a photocopy of the hospital case-sheet were displayed to buttress the clinical diagnosis of the conditions under treatment- like Pompe's disease, Guillain Barre syndrome etc.

There are many questions which arise from this seminar. Is it ethical to treat a case in a hospital without the knowledge and consent of the treating physician? In the event of death of such a patient what liability does the Homeopath accept? Is he not vicariously responsible for any mishap, should it occur? If this practice is being followed, will the kind doctor release a statistical study of all the cases (of any and all conditions) he has treated in this fashion regardless of the outcome of  his treatment?

Every case presented certainly showed the recovery of the patient from the comatose condition he was in, but what about the pathological condition which the patient was supposedly suffering from, for which the good doctor claimed a cure? No follow-up reports or investigations were displayed which proved that the disease/condition was reversed! To top it all, the good doctor attempted to explain Type II Diabetes Mellitus as "a condition caused by deficient Insulin in the circulation due to destruction of the Beta cells of the pancreas"!!

The irony was that this seminar was organised under the aegis of several Principals of Homeopathic colleges from Maharashtra and Karnataka. It is my fervent plea to all heads of institutions to kindly screen the speakers of all such seminars along with the matter to be presented. We can ill afford to train our students in such dismal fashion and expose them to destructive or disabling law suits.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


It may be necessary, even a pre-requisite for a system to survive and be acceptable, if only it can be improved upon. However to re-invent a system is fundamentally different from attempts to rejuvenate it. Today there are many practitioners of Homeopathy who feel it incumbent on themselves to take a moral high-ground if they cannot re-invent Homeopathy. To claim its re-invention may attract a spectrum of criticism ranging from skepticism and cynicism to the risk of drawing the ire of the academics. Hence Classical Homeopathy was born.
The evolution of the optimum dose as I prefer to call it, had its origin in the concept of the minimal dose. The evolution of a single dose; later Hahnemann’s acceptance of his follower’s suggestions to use higher potencies, the invention of the LM potency and finally, repetition of the aqueous dose was a natural culmination of the master’s own experience in the treatment of obstinate chronic diseases. Hahnemann was dissatisfied with having to wait for the relapse of symptoms before repeating the dose as it involved an interminable wait for the cure and the uncertainty of curative finality in very chronic diseases.
Hahnemann published the 5th edn. of the Organon in 1833 and the 3rd, 4th and 5th edns. of `The Chronic Diseases’ in 1835, 1837 and 1839 respectively. During this time, provings were already being conducted with the help of aqueous dilutions. The theory of repetition appeared in the 5th edition; based on the premise that medicines given in aqueous form and succussed before administration are safe. Hahnemann abandoned his theory of the single dose and advocated repetition at suitable intervals (not waiting for the action of the remedy to expire), to shorten the duration of cure by half or even less. Hence it would be retrograde thinking to advocate a single dry dose and resort to the wait and watch method discarded and discredited by Hahnemann himself.
GARTH BOERICKE: Homeopathy is based on the exact observation of natural phenomenon of disease and drug action, and the law governing their mutual relationship. On this solid ground of careful observation, all homeopaths base their practice. But not all Hahnemann’s theories as published in the Organon are proven. Hering says, to discard all theories, including those of one’s own fabrication, when they are in opposition to the results of pure experience.

SUMIT GOEL: The term posology originates from the Greek posos meaning how much and logos meaning study or discourse. The terminology of dose originates from the word dosis, which means the quantity of a drug or other therapeutic agent to be taken or applied.  A homoeopathic dose necessarily means the particular preparation of medicine, the quantity and form of that preparation as well as its repetition. In short, homoeopathic dosage includes selection of potency, dispensing (quantity and form) and repetition of the dose of the medicine.  Homoeopathic posology is based on the trinity of the principles of the single simple remedy, minimum dose and minimum intervention.

My own experience after 31 years of practice, dealing with many types of emergencies, even dire emergencies suggests that, repetition in acute diseases is to be condoned, even necessary. In chronic diseases too, repetition before the re-appearance of old symptoms can be indulged in judiciously as has been illustrated in the 6th edn. of the organon and demonstrated in their respective Lesser Writings by Dr.Kent, Boenninghaussen; and the recorded cases of all the earlier masters who followed the 5th Edn. of the Organon. The issue being not which edition of the Organon they followed but what they achieved. Scientific experiments to understand this issue are imperative and may even lead to acceptance of a different viewpoint. Philosophy is a stop-gap, and a poor substitute for Science.

A couple of days ago I came across a research paper in the form of a small booklet  written by the late Dr.P.Sankaran of Bombay. He has compiled the views of scores of Homeopaths of yesteryears. It is amazing to note that a majority of them favored repetition  even in chronic cases.

Friday, 17 August 2012


Baby girl M.J. aged 3 years was admitted with a pediatrician for 3 days with chills and high grade fever. Her blood tests on the first day were normal. The doctor suspecting Dengue, requested for the NS1 Antigen test on 14th Aug which turned out positive. The next day when the blood cell counts were repeated, there was a sudden dip in the platelet count to 1.21 Lakhs/ul. The patient was immediately referred to a referral hospital 80 kms away. On hearing of my experience in handling such cases the parents of the child approached me on 15th Aug. at 8:30 pm. Homeopathic medicines were administered immediately and the child called in next day for follow-up. On 16-08-2012, 2:30pm less than 24hrs after her Homeopathic treatment was started, her platelet count was up at 2.06 Lakhs/ul and White cell count 9000/cu.mm. The child was  quite healthy and afebrile. Her mother was happy that the girl was now asking for food of her choice, showed no toxicity and had begun to sit up and play.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Lachesis Trigonocephalus

Lachesis Trigonocephalus is a snake whose poison is true to its reputation. It is especially of use in diseases of sudden onset which make rapid progress to septicemia and D.I.C. leading to death. It is an interesting drug on the mental side where its chronicity is displayed. The patient suffers the delusion that he is under some supernatural control, with an uncanny ability to predict the future; Its action compels him to perform inhuman acts, even murder.This was Herings first proving. He came across this snake and its fearful reputation in the Amazonian jungles which he visited as a Herpetologist on behalf of the government.
My very first patient whom I treated independently was a case of gangrene of the right leg. Lachesis cured him within a month and he was sent home without performing an amputation

LACHESIS T.         Polycrest       Miasm: Syphilis/sycosis
Source: Snake-Surukuku poison.                Prover: C. Hering
Punctured wounds, Sprains, Emotions, Alcohol, Disappointed love, Sun. Overstudy.
Jealousy; clairvoyance; Religious insanity, Depression. Delusions. Persecution, mistrust, suspicions. Exuberant;Tearful ecstasy. Mocking
Vertigo<staring,turning R. Sensitive hair. Ache< sun©glimmering. Hair fall<pregnancy.
Blindness ©lung/heart disease. Forced out <pressing throat. Roll vacantly.
Hemorrhage ©amenorrhea. Red nose
Mottled. Lips swollen
Tongue protrudes, trembles. Dry. Halitosis.
Lump,hot,ascending. Pain→ear. Sensitive. Aphonia.©edema/paralysis larynx. Constriction>eating;<empty,liquids,sweets,acrid
Craves alcohol,oysters,coffee. Hunger+++  Thirsty© fear. Gnawing>eating. Nausea<bed in, ice water. Vomits< menses.
Superficially sensitive>pressure. Appendix pain →thighs. Blood charred, Piles protrude, fistula hammering <cough,sneezing. Constant urge. Ball rolling< turning. Diarrhea<fruits,acids. Beating<menses
Ball rolls<turning. Tumor urethra©obstrn.
Lascivious-no erection. Masturbation<
Ovarian cysts,pain. Menses black,scanty,acrid, vicarious>open air. Pains>flow. Leucorrhea green,smarting, profuse,stains. Climacteric.
Suffocation<lying down;>open air. Tickling,choking cough<touching throat; >retching. Skin in larynx. Exp frothy,bloody,pus©perspiration.
Palpitations, fainting,Restless anxiety. As if too big; turns over; hanging by thread;
Neuralgia coccyx<rising. Pricking pain<sitting. Sensation of thread back to arm,legs,eyes.
Sweat garlic odor. Trembling in alcoholics. Felons, R sciatica.Pain shins <inflammation throat
Blue mottled,purple,echymotic. Carbuncles, sensitive ulcers,varicose, Cellulitis. Cicatrices red,hurt,open,bleed.
Insomnia of drunkards. Dreams snakes. Sleepy but cannot sleep. Sleeps into<.
Chill©sweat<drinks. Heat flushes. Sweat on neck-bloody,stains black,yellowish, garlicky.
Symptoms L.sided; (L) to (R); <Sleep; Touch;Warmth. >pressure; Discharge. Mentals. Tissue & blood decomposition; Echymoses. Heart:-Hangs by thread/ Too big/Turning
Sudden onset; Degeneration mind, blood & tissues. Superhuman mind. Blueness of parts, tissue decomposition, septicemia, hemorrhage(DIC).

Monday, 13 August 2012

Colchicum is an oft used pain remedy and is on par with Rhus toxicodendron in its utility. What distinguishes Colchicum from R.Tox is its hypersensitive state. It weakens the mind and makes the patient unable to memorize even short sentences. He becomes intolerant to external physical impressions with a tendency to collapse.He cannot tolerate rudeness or bad behavior and suffers from it. It is frequently used in gout.

Plant source.                         Prover- Hahnemann
External impressions, Bad manners,
Grief, loss of sleep, Cold wet weather
Besides himself. <misdeeds of others
Smell acute- Faintness< odors
Pupils unequal. Pain =>occiput
Smell acute; odors nauseate to fainting
Look of collapse, Cyanosis, Cold breath, sweat
Nausea, gagging, retching
Capricious appetite. Nausea< thought, odor, sight of food. Craves aerated drinks.
Distention gaseous- painful
Dysentery – jelly like mucus with blood. Thin. Scraping of intestines. pain < before
Pain in kidneys = dark bloody urine – albumin, sugar
Oppression, violent palpitations. Hydrothorax,
Squeezed as if.  Pericarditis – effusion

Wandering rheumatism} `pins and needles’
                     Gout             } Redness; swelling; hyperaesthesia < motion.
 Burning & icy coldness in stomach & abdomen
Dysentery with bloating of gas
Nausea < smell of food with fainting.
Hypersensitiveness, over reaction, intolerance

Friday, 10 August 2012



Baby D.P. aged 3 years was referred by a local surgeon who was treating the baby for more than 8 days for Left sided Pyothorax/empyema (burst lung abscess after pneumonia). Pus continued to flow unabated from the inter-costal drain inserted into the child’s chest cavity. This condition is fatal if not quickly controlled. Higher antibiotics had had little or no effect in controlling the infection. The baby’s health continued to deteriorate until the surgeon thought it fit to try Homeopathy, having heard of my experience in treating similar cases of antibiotic resistant infections. At the time of referral the child’s general health was poor with chills and high grade fever.
X-ray Chest showing L.pyothorax with intercostal drain. Day 1 of treatment

Baby D.P. with L intercostal drain - day 10. In Dr.Kowshiks clinic.

The pus from the drain was thick yellow, blood streaked, viscid and offensive. Despite the general cachexia the child was remarkably hungry. Based on the child’s symptoms the indicated homeopathic remedy was prescribed at 2 hourly intervals for the first day, later 4 times a day for 5 days. All allopathic treatment was stopped during this period. The inter-costal drain was retained. The child showed positive response within 24 hours and continued to improve without a hitch till complete recovery took place. The first X-rays taken on 28-02-2011 shows the heavy infection with pus exudate in the left chest cavity.The 2nd X-ray below, shows empty chest cavity with some fibrosis at the base of the lung. The X-rays demonstrate the child’s remarkable recovery in just 12 days. 

X-ray on day 12 - Chest cavity clear. ICD still in place.

The child continued to improve and was discharged from the hospital to recuperate at home. This remarkable recovery demonstrates how fast Homeopathy acts and should dispel any negative criticism of the doubting Thomas’s about the efficacy of Homeopathy. Is it any wonder that many patients say that Homeopathy can work miracles? This baby was almost lost and was brought back from the brink in less than 15 days!
I will soon post a couple of video cases that demonstrate the `miraculous’ cures that take place with Homeopathy. There is no miracle taking place, it is just that people, fixated with modern medicine find it difficult to accept an (often) better, faster and more gentle mode of treatment. The surgeon who referred this case to me and his family have become my regular patients and believers of Homeopathy.
CHAMOMILLA – Children & Womens remedy.  
Plant source.                     Prover- Hahnemann
Coffee, narcotics, bad temper
Hasty,Ugly,cross,uncivil,Abrupt<menses. Vexed at trifles. Desires: many things,then refuses; Wants care, petting. Pitiful moaning. Averse company,talking. Omits words while talking.
Throbbing one half, delicate women> work, bending head back.<am & 9pm; Hot sweat<sleep
Pain<cold air;>warmth. Hears voices<pm; Ringing,roaring< hemorrhages; <music. Sensation -hot water running.
Sensitive smells. Hot coryza<night
One cheek red,hot. Neuralgia=Pale,sunken, distorted, hot sweat<eating,drinking. Jerking muscles;
Toothache<hot drinks,pregnancy,coffee. Long. Tongue thick yellow. Bad breath, bitter taste. Night-saliva sweet.
Eructations-H2S. Pain-heavy stone like. Thirst cold water, sour. Violent retching, vomiting.
Spells of wind colic;<night, urinating. >warm apps. Sour green/yellow,lienteric, slimy, hacked, bad-egg smell. Jaundice<anger. Anus swollen, pouts. Piles, fissure painful.
Irregular pains, up & down. Discharge Profuse foul,dark clotted blood. Membranous menses. Convulsions<anger. After pains. Sends doctor away.
Dry tickling cough<pm; Asthma> bending head back,<dry weather,anger,9-12pm during sleep.
Burning soles; Stiffness, numb, cramps, rheumatic< night;>walking. Sens as if walking on ends of bones. Ankles give way<afternoon.
Moaning drowsy,cannot sleep.
Infant rash, nursing mothers. Injuries suppurate. Burning ulcers<pm
Chills< covering; takes cold. Cold and hot in parts; alternating heat & chill. < Suppressed discharges. Sweat<head. Thirst +++
Moaning, wailing, Hasty,Ugly,cross,uncivil, Abrupt. Alternating symptoms, states. Discharges,eructations,  flatus-bad egg smell. Sends doctor away. Dry Cough<night. Pains>walking. Moaning,
Angry,Intolerant, uncivil, Crying; <dry weather; >motion, petting. Alternate states/symptoms.

Monday, 6 August 2012

In my website I have published a topic `CAN HOMEOPATHY TREAT ALL TYPES OF CASES'.   It was not only a subject for future and present Homeopaths to mull over, but also a warning for what I felt was to come. My worst fears have come true. We now have a certain prominent Homeopath from Mumbai, India, who claims to treat congenital disorders. This means correcting deformities. To correct a physical deformity, it requires that the persons body part must change shape or grow to a natural length and shape which it has been unable to for various reasons, chiefly genetic. Certain toxins and drugs ingested by a pregnant mother may also have a similar effect. In such cases it would be a herculean task to decide whether a particular deformity is purely a genetic variation, a mutation, or a toxin effect. In any case, since the genetic code has suffered an injury (if I may say so), to make this deformed part change shape and grow naturally would be beyond the purview of any system of medicine. It would require genetic engineering at a mind boggling level. To claim that Homeopathy can change a genetic code or structure would require laboratory infrastructure at the level of the N.I.H. in the United States of America or elsewhere. That gullible followers of this Homeopathic doctor can believe such trash based on `Photographic evidence' shows their immaturity and the dangerous levels to which they can stoop to defame this glorious system of medicine. Such irresponsible behavior may justify and strengthen the hands of all those who wish to ban Homeopathy from the health care system.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

PULSATILLA Polycrest. Plant source.
Prover: Hahnemann
Getting feet wet; Rich food,fats,ices,eggs; Sun. Woollen clothes
Timid,weeping causeless, Mild, whining, craves sympathy. Fear:alone, dark,ghosts, Capricious, Irritable,extremes of pleasure & pain. Suspicious food about. Miserly. Forsaken.
Pulsating,burning; Pain from over-work, girls. >open air. Occipital,< coughing. Vertigo<sitting, looking up. Heavy, sweating.
Yellowish green disch; agglutinated a.m. Blind attacks<menses. Conjunctivitis<colds. Wiping.
Offensive,Yellow-green disch. Deafness>car in. Pain< pm; Inflamed.
Foul yellow-green,orange scabs, obstrn>open air. Epistaxis<before,during, suppressed menses.
Neuralgia with tears<chewing,talking, Cracks lips, centre- Licks.
Dry,slimy,thirstless.Offensive a.m. Taste↓
Averse: fats, bread,milk,smoking,
Craves what disagrees. Vomits long after eating. Heaviness. Hunger for what? Hiccups< tobacco.
Painful rumbling,distention, diarrhea< fright. Bloody discharge when not at stool. Changeable stools<after 12pm; 2or3 normal stools daily.
Involuntary<lying,laughing,coughing,sudden movement. In drops. Cramp <urination after, Stricture. Stone in bladder sensation.
Inflamed prostate, testes. Late gonorrhea.
Amennorrhea, Late, scanty<bathing, wet feet, anemia, Clotted,changeable, intermits. Retained placenta. Milk in virgins. Breast swells <weaning, menses. Mal-positioned fetus. Leucorrhea thick milky,acrid=>backache
Cough loose a.m.; Dry p.m; <measles after. Thick yellow-green exp. Tickling epigastrium. Asthma from suppression;
Urticaria<fats,late menses, undressing. With diarrhea
Day sleepiness. Wakes confused, unrefreshed. Lies with hands over head/ crossed on abdomen, feet drawn. Dreams voluptuous, disgusting, cats,frightful.Chattering,screaming.
Pains wandering, joints inflamed. Foot dorsum swollen. Cold foul sweat. Milk leg. Stretch desire to. Numbness<standing.
With pains, Chilly<warmth. Feverish but temp N. Erratic temp. Partial heat/cold/sweat
Causeless weeping, Wandering,changing sympts. Thirstless. Female remedy.>open air
Chronic, changeable, wandering pains & diseases with despair,weeping. Craves attention. Mild, yielding, religious subservience.